Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bunnies & Charity Knitting

I was on a wild bunny kick for the past few weeks. I think it is because I was so intrigued with this pattern. You knit a square. Just a square of any size with any yarn and with a few stitches and some stuffing you can make a rabbit. These are just a few.

I was generally doodle around the computer last night and I found this great site that donates woolen knitted items around the world to children. The organization is Warm Woolies and their home page is I used to knit for the Seaman’s Institute that donates knitted items to merchant sailors who are often from poor, warm countries and have not warm clothing. However, I like Warm Woolies because they donate children’s clothing around the world. They only accept garments made out of wool because they need WARMTH. On the page of often-asked questions, one is: Do I need to use superwash wool? The answer is: No, these people do not have washing machines. And it doesn’t matter that the socks are made of thick wool that may not fit in shoes, as these kids may not have shoes.

This is where I will now send my extra knitting.