Friday, September 19, 2008

Luka's Big Adventure

Sigh. Nothing else to say about that. I am not one of those people who look forward to the leaves changing, the frost on the pumpkin, and all that crap. It will get progressively colder and the days get shorter & all you can do is hunker down in front of the wood stove in your long underwear. And wait for spring.

A friend of mine came up with the best description of Luka. I can only wish I thought of it. I sent her a picture of Luka dancing around with Sophie. She said Luka looks like a slightly chubby ballerina who ate too many Dunkin Donuts. In this picture she is wearing a Mobius scarf I made and she does look like she stuck her head in a stray tutu.

Anyway……On to Luka’s Big Adventure. Poor Luka had one of the worst night of her life last night. Our basement is ¾ finished, carpeted recess ed lights, ¼ is unfinished, cement floor, water heater furnace, boxes, boogie man. Luka is very curious and always the first to dash through any opened door. Unfortunately, last night she forgot to dash out. BG & eldest son were searching for a large bag of rice that disappeared (don’t ask) and of course the dogs were helping. I got up this morning stumbled to the back door, let Sophie out, let Sophie in, And said “Wait a minute. I have two dogs.” I checked the garage. No Luka. Maybe she ran away last night when the garbage was put out on the curb. No she would have been waiting by the front door. She knows were her kibbles live. Finally I went down stairs and Sophie ran to the far door to the unfinished part of the basement and I let Luka out. Sophie proceeded to jump on her and bark at her as we tripped up stairs. Then Luka climbed into my lap on the sunroom loveseat (strictly forbidden) and told me about her horrible night on the cement floor with the boogie men. Life is very scary and uncertain for Luka.

In my continuing canning adventure, I canned pickled green tomatoes this week. I did not taste them, but they smelled like my friend’s bread & butter pickles so I have high hopes. Another cooking adventure: I made reconstructed chocolate chip cookies. I truly think that the traditional toll house chocolate chip cookie is pretty close to cookie perfection. I make lots of different cookies, but always come back to chocolate chip. But I always experiment and I thought I would melt the chocolate chips and swirl the chocolate into the batter. Sounds pretty good. I made the batter. I melted the chips in a double boiler. The melted chocolate seemed a bit clenched so I added some cream and it smoothed out nicely. When I added it to the batter it just melded into the batter and I got chocolate cookies with a few caramel colored swirls. The cookies came out really flat, but surprisingly good and chewy. I think next time I will add less cream. All in all a very good experiment.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mid September Corrections

BG recently (finally) checked out my blog and he pointed out that I did not mention him in my profile. I corrected this oversight this morning. He is my rock start, the love of my life, my best friend, my boyfriend and my rock. And he does his best to drive me crazy, which is only fitting as I do the same to him. He also pointed out to me that the profile page sounded like I was looking for a date and if I put down that I was 14 years old I would get more hits. I am not 14 years old, nor would I be 14 years old for anything. Some things may not be great about being in your 50s, but being comfortable in your own skin and having the perspective of half a century (did I say that?) is priceless.

I am making green tomato pickles today; I have never made them before but I have high hopes.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Time in Dog Years

One of my friends recently informed me that one of her dogs just died and it made me think of how our lives are defined by the dogs who trot by our side. I don't have pics of my other dogs on the computer, something I will have to rectify. When I was single then first married and with little kids were the Rozie years, a sweet retriever mutt who used to follow me into town with a kid in a stroller. All the shopkeepers in town knew her as she would eagerly wait at my side and then grab my bag to carry home. All the people in my mom's neighborhood knew her as she used to visit all the houses on the block (never crossing the street), particularly when they had picnics. People used to drive by and great her by name and I would ask my mom who they were. She didn't now either, but they were friends of Rozzie. Rozzie also was the shadow house, whose greatest pleasure was to stand outside on a sunny day and chase bird shadows. Also, she smiled. A big, toothy silly grin. Rozzie was a sweetheart.

Britty was my spirit guide. She came into my life and truly guided me past some crossroads and through some very difficult times. She was the dog the kids mostly grew up with. And I couldn't think of a better dog for two boys to grow up with. She was very, very special. I often told the kids that she was going to be the dog they told their grandchildren about. We were all with her when she died, one of our last times together, and we were al heartbroken. I still miss her guidance and calm presence.

Sophie & Luka - well we have the Luka Chronicles. They are good girls and keep me laughing and happy.

Here's to the dogs of our lives.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Who is This dog?

Ok, she looks like a poodle/wolfhound/afghan. And Luka looks like Luka. This is a warning. Take heed. This is what happens when you don't brush your briard. She doesn't like being brushed, so I put it off and put it off. Usually I am fairly disciplined and brush her once a week no matter what, but this summer I just kept putting it off until it was impossible to get through even with the mat cutter - so out came the clipper. Oh well, it will grow back.

On a more positive subject, my Ladies Sweater is coming out great! As you can see, I decided to knit one side at a time, I am almost done with the right front. Another 2 inches I think. And I am going to make full length sleaves instead of the 3/4 sleeves in the pattern. I like the look of the 3/4 sleeves, but this sweater is for my mom and I know that she will not be happy without a full length sleave.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

End of Summer

It has been several weeks since my last post. I have been a busy bee. I canned 4 ½ quarts of tomatoes! I also mailed for many seed catalogs as I want to get good seeds next year; no more Big Box Store seeds. I was particularly looking for heirloom seeds. This week I am going to dry some flower seeds, my sunflowers and marigolds. Can I find portulaka seeds? At first I was disappointed that I got the smaller sunflowers this year, but now that they have bloomed I am very happy with them. I saw some on a garden show that were huge, 6-7 foot stalks with many flowers all the way up the stalk. I will be on a search for them for next year.

I also have been knitting like crazy. Finished the Mobius scarf, very cool, I will get a picture next post. My mom’s sweater is coming along very nicely. I had a slight meltdown when I first separated for the sleeves, but after pulling out a few rows and putting my usual spacers in (every 14 stitches instead of every 20 stitches as it is a 7 stitch repeat), and I also am not knitting all the way across as there is too much tangling with 3 balls of yarn attached. In case you haven’t guessed, it is a top-down sweater. I am about 8 inches down the right front side and it looks pretty good.

On the Boy I Should Be Ashamed of Myself front: I have so neglected brushing Sophie that I finally gave up yesterday and took the clipper and shaved down her neck, behind her ears and her muzzle. I missed a few spots and didn’t want to torture her too much at once. I will take another go at it today. And brush another section of her body. Her body is pretty bad, but I can get through it, I don’t have to totally cut her down. My goal is to have her totally brushed by the end of the week and give her a bath! She looks kinda silly, but kinda cute, she looks very much like a poodle or a wolfhound. It’ll grow back. That is something that it took me many years to realize about myself. Remember how mortified you were when your mom cut your bangs?! It took Forever to grow back! If your mom didn’t cut your bangs or if she was a hairdresser and actually could cut your bangs, you missed some important angst in your adolescence.