Sunday, May 15, 2011

9 months

This is what I posted on FB this morning. This song used to make me cry years ago, when he was alive and well. There was always a back thought of "what if".......

The pool is leaving today. I should take a few pics of its departure. I hope this nice young man gets many years of pleasure from it. I had one year of pleasure. Eldest son is trying to talk me into getting a season pass at Dorney Park. I keep saying I will just get a baby pool that the dogs and I can sit in on a hot day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Well I finally got a few pictures of hummingbirds. My feeder has been such a hot spot this week that they actually emptied the big feeder. However, I have only seen females so far. Do they migrate before the males to set up housekeeping?

I am really conflicted now. Ever since his death, I have been toying with the idea in the back of my mind that I will move after I finish school. Now I planted a tree and some lilac bushes. That is really permanent.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Duck resort

I think the ducks come here every afternoon to have some peace and quite. I assume they are coming from the creek about a mile from my house where there are many ducks and this is a nice place to take a siesta. I also think this is a cool picture with the very clear reflection in the pool.

Today I am going to mow the back yard, hopefully before the ducks arrive.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quack, Quack

I was in my bedroom this morning when the dogs went ballistic, barking like crazy. And I faintly heard what sounded like ducks quacking. Hmmmm. So I finally got up and looked out back and lo and behold. I had two visitors. Unfortunately I only got a couple of pictures. But it was fun.

The other night while walking around Lowes looking for garden soil (I had my muscle with me to lug the huge bags, eldest son), I got a text message on my phone and while I was replying I got a low battery notice. This surprised me as I plug the phone in every night and had barely used it that day. So when I got home I plugged it in. Next morning it said it was charged, but no go. I was all set to go to AT&T store today, but tried taking the battery out one more time, charging again. And it worked! I do not use my cell phone exclusively like many people, but I was lost without it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It Might be Spring

I hope this link works. It is today's Pearls Before Swine in which Rat tells Goat that if he wrote above a men's urinal, he would get more reader than people who read his blog. That's kinda how I feel, but I don't care and I have no desire to write a message above a men's urinal.

It is warm and lovely today and I actually went outside and worked in my garden for an hour. I tore up the old mulch-anti-weed paper and pulled out most of the tall weeds from last year since I never touched my garden last fall. It was all I could do to get out of bed and feed the dogs last fall. And in spite of my crabby mood, it felt really good to be outside for a little bit & listen to the birds and feel the warm breeze. Of course tomorrow it is supposed to be 30 degrees cooler and rainy. Which suits me fine. One nice day a week is all I can handle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm baaaack!

This picture was taken more than 30 years ago by my friend, Carol on the front steps of her parent's house.

I can't believe it's almost 2 years since I have posted. I was talking to a dear friend (whom I reconnected with on FB) and I was telling her that I had a blog that I have let lapse. Well, that got me to thinking and I really enjoyed posting, even tho I don't think anybody read it, so here I am. It has been a hell of a 2 year span. I am alone now and miss Bobby every day. He shot himself 6 days after our 30th anniversary. He was quite ill both physically and mentally and chose to end the pain himself and not wait around. Every time I hear a song, drive down a stretch of road.... often the weirdest and most obscure things remind me of him and fill me with sadness. And the sadness paralyzes me.

My oldest son has gotten me through this. In the beginning, literally leading me by the hand through foggy days.

Enough. I am taking a course in massage therapy at a terrific school. I am trying to build a new life. The teachers are great. The curriculum is great. The fellow students are great.