Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Very Quick Update

Well I can't believe that I did not remember what the fingerless glove yarn was from. Although I did vaguely feel that it had something to do with my way out west friend. And I can't believe that the kid I made the sweater for is in middle school now. It does not make me old, it makes me very experienced. Also, the yarn I am using to make the next pair of fingerless gloves is not from my grandma's afghan, it is one I made for myself! I was on a kick, for quite a long time, where I was rocheting these very intricate fisherman knit pattern afhhans. After making 4 of them I got it out of my system, but they are gorgeous. I should take a picture of mine and post it.

Anyway, I am glad a few people read this blog

I started my leaf pattern sweater and it is going to be great. I had to cast on 3 times because first I twisted the cable (which I only fully realized after knitting 3 rows), then I somehow managed to pull the needle out after casting on 260 stitches. The third time was the charm. I got the first leaf motif finished, 5 rows. It just didn't look right to me. So I read the pattern about 50 times and then the light bulb went off above my head and I head to tink 9 rows which took me all afternoon. I was not going to go back to the cast on. So yesterday I got the first little motif done and started the large leaf pattern and then stopped knitting, not wanting to press my luck! The real point of this is that I really like the pattern and it is going to look great when it is done. I am off to take more pictures.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another Luka Story & My Fingerless Gloves

I finished these gloves a few days ago, and I finally got the pictures on my computer. I am very happy with the patterns, there is a nice simple cable on the wrists & back of the hands, and then stockinette stitch across the palms. But the yarn I used, although very pretty, is too stiff. I am going to make another pair out of a softer acrylic yarn from my stash. I have several skeins of purple heather that I think date back to my grandmother making me an afghan when I was in grammar school. We don’t want to calculate how many years ago that was.

One day this past week everyone was out of the house for several hours as eldest son was working and I had several errands to run and BG kindly chauffeured me around the state. When we came home someone (whose name is spelled L-u-k-a) had gotten in the garbage, leaving some chewed up foil in the living room. BG suggested that we put her down stairs for a couple of hours so she would get the message. So he called her downstairs and shut her into the back room. Sophie kept coming to me telling me that something was amiss, but I was firm and Luka stayed until dinner time. I gave Sophie her dinner, which she completely consumed (not something she always does as she is an indifferent eater). Then BG went down stairs and released the penitent. Luka came running up the stairs and Sophie chased her around the dining room table 4 or 5 times, growling and barking at her the whole time. I only hope that she does that when Luka raids the garbage and we are not home. After a few rounds around the table, I fed Luka her belated dinner, she dove in and I went into the sun room. Luka walked over to me about 30 seconds later looking forlorn. I looked up and there was Sophie eating out of Luka’s bowl. I walked over and said, C’mon Sophie, that’s Luka’s dinner. I pushed the dish away from her with my foot and she determinedly kept eating. So I said, well, Luka, it’s a doggie thing, next time think twice before you eat the garbage.

After finishing her second bowl of kibble, Sophie lay down in the dining room and did not move for the rest of the nigh. I thought I heard her moan a few times.