Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Very Quick Update
Anyway, I am glad a few people read this blog
I started my leaf pattern sweater and it is going to be great. I had to cast on 3 times because first I twisted the cable (which I only fully realized after knitting 3 rows), then I somehow managed to pull the needle out after casting on 260 stitches. The third time was the charm. I got the first leaf motif finished, 5 rows. It just didn't look right to me. So I read the pattern about 50 times and then the light bulb went off above my head and I head to tink 9 rows which took me all afternoon. I was not going to go back to the cast on. So yesterday I got the first little motif done and started the large leaf pattern and then stopped knitting, not wanting to press my luck! The real point of this is that I really like the pattern and it is going to look great when it is done. I am off to take more pictures.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Another Luka Story & My Fingerless Gloves
I finished these gloves a few days ago, and I finally got the pictures on my computer. I am very happy with the patterns, there is a nice simple cable on the wrists & back of the hands, and then stockinette stitch across the palms. But the yarn I used, although very pretty, is too stiff. I am going to make another pair out of a softer acrylic yarn from my stash. I have several skeins of purple heather that I think date back to my grandmother making me an afghan when I was in grammar school. We don’t want to calculate how many years ago that was.